Brendon Manor is now back semi open for business.
We have been quietly taking out some of our regular local riders and getting the horses ready for work.
Because of the restrictions still in place, we can only take people who can classify themselves as confident riders. You have to be able to mount and dismount, adjust the girth and stirrups and be able to control a horse in all paces. We may ask questions in order to prove this at the time of booking, so please have this information to hand if your ride includes other members of your family.
As a result, we are currently not offering the following:
Anyone who falls in the ability groups of; Never Riden Before, Beginner, Novice or Intermidiate.
Any lead rein, either on foot or on horse back
Pub Rides
Any group of a greater number than 4
Bookings from people who are not of the same household*
Anyone we feel would have to break lockdown measures in order to ride with us (for example stay overnight).
*We have spoken to regular riders who are happy to have socially distanced groups organised by ourselves.
Social distancing measures are in place and we ask you to follow the updated site rules;
· Customers if using bathroom facilities will be required to dry hands with towels provided, please place these in the bin after use, do not place back in dry towel basket or remove used towels from bin.
· Bathroom facilities to be cleaned after each customer has left the stables.
· Customers must await in car park until 15 minutes prior to their ride time in their vehicle. At which point please wait OUTSIDE the office and wait for further instruction.
· Customers are to provide and wear the following at all times on site, - their own riding hat, their own gloves and a face mask if you wish to. These must be worn at all times from exiting their vehicle, till until they get back in their vehicle after their ride.
· Anyone who is not participating in a ride must remain in their vehicle and not enter the site. Please do not wait on site for anyone who is out trekking, please return 10 minutes prior to the end of their trek time.
· No hat, gloves or any other clothing will be lent during this time. The above items are classed as compulsory if you wish to ride.
· Signing in will take place outside, weather permitting, with a suitable spot found otherwise. We will only be taking existing riders currently, with no new or unknown riders. A guide on how to fill in the forms and full instructions will be found in this area. Please use hand sanitizer before picking up a pen to fill in the form, even if you are wearing gloves.
· Payment is requested via any electronic method such as BACs transfer or Paypal. If this is not possible, please contact us before hand. The 2 metre rule will be adhered to for all card payments. Please note during this time we are not accepting payments in cash or cheque.
· The Shop is not currently open, however most items are available on our website.
· We are currently not looking after keys or valuables. Store valuables in your vehicle and make sure you have a zipped pocket for your car keys.
· All customers after signing in are expected to wait in the stable yard. Please do not access the stable block or the office even if it's open.
· To adhere to social distancing rules, the horse may be held by a member of Brendon Manor Staff for safety as you mount. However, you will be asked to adjust your stirrups and tighten your girth yourself, which will be watched by one of our team members to check you are happy. Verbal explanation will be given, however physical help cannot be given. If you are unable to do this safely, we may ask you to dismount.
· All riders must be intermediate or advanced, no lead reins either on foot or horseback will be offered during this time.
· Please respect the social distancing rules when on the ride of 2 metres apart.
· Please allow our guides to open all the gates to avoid multiple persons touching them.
· After the ride, please dismount and hold your horse. Hold the horse safely by the reins. Our guide will then bring a lead rope out for you to clip on to the bridle, at which point they will take the horse into the stable from you.
· After your ride, please sanitise your hands using the alcohol gel and return to your vehicle promptly. Please keep all hats, gloves and masks on until you've re-entered your vehicle.
· During this time, we kindly ask not to feed any of our horses, in the stables or the fields.
· After rides, all tack used is cleaned down with a disinfectant solution.
We are only taking out a limited number of rides per day so please book early. Call us on 01598 741246